Avtor/Urednik     Harih, Metka; Pajnkirhar, Majda
Naslov     Aplikacija teoretičnega modela Imogene M. King pri obravnavi starostnika s sladkorno boleznijo
Prevedeni naslov     Aplication of the Imogen M. King's nursing model in the treatment of elderly diabetes patients
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 201-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Introduction: The paper defines the problem of aging and presents the types of diabetes according to the American Diabetes Association, epidemiology of the disease and the elderly diabetes patients in their social roles within the family and society. The basic principles of therapeutic communication with an elderly person are described. Imogene M. King's nursing model of goal attainment was used to ensure the holistic approach and treatment of the diseased elderly. Aim: The goal of the study was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Imogene M. King's nursing model of goal attainment and a model of the three interacting systems applied in the daily living of the elderly affected by diabetes, emphasizing the active role of the patients. Methods: Grounded theory as a qualitative research methodology was used in the research conducted in May 2008. Included in the study were 30 elderly diabetics, aged 67 through 86 years. The data were collected by an unstructured questionnaire. The questions adressed the categories of the treatment model of the elderly in accordance with the dynamic theory concepts. The model was defined by separate categories for the treatment of the elderly suffering from diabetes. Results and discussion: Presented is the application of a model of the three interacting systems (personal, interpersonal, and social) in the daily living of the elderly diabetes patients. The categories represent the basic concepts within the diabetes treatment model of the elderly persons. Though the King' nursing model still remains fairly unknown and underused, the results of the study indicate that it can improve the quality, efficiency and overall care of the elderly diabetes patients. Consequently, a better diabetes control will be ensured in patients with advanced age.
Deskriptorji     DIABETES MELLITUS