Avtor/Urednik     Šuput, D; Zorc-Pleskovič, R; Petrovič, D; Milutinović, A
Naslov     Cardiotoxic injury caused by chronic administration of mucrocystin-YR
Tip     članek
Vir     Folia biol Praha
Vol. in št.     Letnik 56
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 14-8
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Microcystins are cyclic peptide toxins.Chronic intoxication with well-known members of the microcystin family - microcystins-LR - induces liver tumour formation, injury of kidney and heart. Despite worldwide distribution in the environment, the effects of microcystins- YR have not been studied extensively. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether microcystins- YR, in relatively low doses, have a toxic effect on cardiomyocytes of chronically treated rats. Male adult Wistar rats were treated every second day for 8 months with microcystins- YR (10 11g/kg i.p., N = 5). Control groups were treated either with vehicle (ethanoi and methanoi 4 : 1 v/v; N = 5) or with physiologic saline (N = 4). The heart sections of microcystin- YR-treated rats revealed decreased volu me density of cardiac muscle tissue (microcystins- YR = 0.485mm3/mm3 ± 0.003; vehicle = 0.493 mm3/mm3 ± 0.002; sali ne = 0.492 mm3/mm3 ± 0.002) due to fibrous proliferation. A few lymphocyte infiltrates were observed. Most of cardiomyocytes were enlarged (microcystins-YR = 20.19 11m ± 1.34, vehicle = 17.45 11m ± 0.52, saline = 16.00 11m ± 1.43), with enlarged and often bizarre-shaped nuclei and decreased myofibril volume fraction (microcystinsYR = 0.416 mm3/mm3 ± 0.009; vehicle = 0.472 mm3/ mm3 ± 0.009; saline = 0.479 mm3/mm3 ± 0.010). No TUNEL-positive cells were found in the heart sections of rats in all groups. The results allow the conclusion that chronic exposure to low doses of microcystins-YR may cause atrophy and fibrosis of the heart muscle.
Deskriptorji     MYOCARDIUM