Avtor/Urednik     Horvat, Matjaž; Ivanecz, Arpad; Gajzer, Borut; Potrč, Stojan
Naslov     Intragastrične laparoskopske resekcije: možnosti minimalno invazivnega zdravljenja submukoznih tumorjev
Prevedeni naslov     Intragastric laparoscopic resections: possibilities of minimally invasive surgery for submucosal tumors
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Potrč S, Hazabent M, Gajzer B, editors. 2. Mariborski onkološki dan: simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo na temo Maligna obolenja želodca; 2009 nov 27; Maribor. Maribor: Oddelek za abdominalno in splošno kirurgijo, Kirurška klinika UKC,
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 89-95
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Gastrointestinal tumor (GIST) is a rare tumor of intestinal tract and a free margine resection is often enough for its curability. This fact and the anatomical circumstances of the stomach set a solid base for development of intragastric laparoscopic surgery which can be combined with endoscopy. Patients and methods. 5 patients, 4 women and one man have had endoscopical and endoscopical ultrasound verification of a small tumor of the proximal third of the stomach. In all 5 patients intragastric laparoscopic resection of the tumor was made in two cases with the endoscopical help through the small incisional laparotomy. Results. In 4 women, average age 56,8 years (44-66) and in one man (47 years of age) there was a tumor ranging from 10 to 20 mm in diameter and was located in one case subcardial and in other cases in the proximal third of the stomach. Histological verification revealed GIST with low risk potential in four cases with a free margin and in one case submucosal lipoma. Average hospital stay was 7 days (5-8). There were no postoperative complications postoperativly and the patiens perform regular follow- up with no signs of remissions. Conclusions. With the right patient selection the intragastric laparoscopic resection for GIST is a competitive minimally invasive operative procedure which enables cure and rapid recovery of the patient.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Gastrointestinalni stromalni tumor (GIST) je redek tumor prebavne cevi, za ozdravitev v večini primerov zadostuje resekcija v zdravo. To dejstvo in anatomske okoliščine želodca so pogojevale razvoj intragastrične laparoskopske kirurgije, ki jo lahko kombiniramo z endoskopijo. Bolniki in metode. 5 bolnikov, 4 ženske in moški so imeli endoskopsko in z endoskopskim ultrazvokom dokazan majhen tumor proksimalne tretjine želodca. V dveh primerih s pomočjo endoskopista in v treh primerih samostojno je bila narejena intragastrična laparoskopska resekcija tumorja skozi majhno laparotomijo. Rezultati. Pri 4 ženskah, povprečne starost 56,8 let (46-66) in moškem (47 let) je šlo za tumor velikosti od 10 do 20 mm, ki se je nahajal v enem primeru subkardialno v drugih pa proksimalni tretjini. Histološko je šlo v 4 primerih za GIST nizke malignosti izrezan v zdravo, v enem primeru pa lipom. Povprečna ležalna doba je znašala 7 dni (5-8). Pooperativno ni bilo zapletov in bolniki se redno kontrolirajo brez znakov za ponovitev bolezni. Zaključki. Intragastrična laparoskopska resekcija GIST a je pri pravilni izbiri bolnika minimalno invazivna operativna tehnika, ki omogoča ozdravitev in hitro okrevanje bolnika.