Avtor/Urednik     Lekan, M
Naslov     Prepoznava motenj hranjenja pri novorojenčku
Prevedeni naslov     Recognition of feedig difficulties in newborns
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 17, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 52-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Sucking and swallowing represent the most complex neuromusc`alar unit in the human body. Normal functioning of the oral-motor structures is a prerequisite for appropriate food intake and indicates good neurological and behavioural organization of the newborn. The sucking and swallowing patterns of premature and sick newborn are different from those of healthy newborns. Premature infants also have difficulties in coordinating sucking and swallowing with breathing due to immaturity. Beside immaturity, congenital and acquired damage to the central nervous system, anatomical anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, genetic malformations and infections are often the cause of feeding difficulties. The article describes normal, disorganized and dysfunctional patterns of sucking and swallowing in newborns.
Deskriptorji     INFANT, PREMATURE