Avtor/Urednik     Antonaci, F; Sandrini, G; Nappi, G
Naslov     Clinical picture and differential diagnosis of tension-type headache
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Pogačnik T, Žvan B, editors. Current views on headache. Proceedings of the joint meeting Italy - Slovenia; 1994 Febr 11-12. Ljubljana: University medical centre,
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 10-3
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The headache classification committee of the International Headache Society divides tension-type headaches (TH) into episodic and chronic with the former reffering to headaches that occur less than 15 times per month and the latter referring to headaches occuring more than 15 times per month. The use of EMG, algometry and manual palpation has been proposed by the IHS classification to evaluate pericranial muscle disorders (third digit code). In TH a fourth digit code indicating the most likely causative factors has also been proposed by the IHS classification. While other primary headaches can easily ruled out by careful interview, a complete physical and neurological examination is necessary to rule out organic diseases.
Deskriptorji     HEADACHE