Avtor/Urednik     Berčan, Mateja; Pajnkihar, Majda; Ramovš, Jože; Turk, Zmago
Naslov     Arhitektonske ovire in uporaba tehničnih pripomočkov v bivalnem okolju starostnika
Prevedeni naslov     Physical barriers and the use of assistive devices in senior citizens' everyday life
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 44, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. 257-62
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Introduction: The ratio of the elderly population in Slovenia is relatively high and the number of citizens over eighty years old has been increasing. The present paper explores the physical barriers in the indoor and outdoor environment of the elderly and the use of assistive devices enhancing the safety, autonomy and quality of their lives. Senior citizens prefer to live at home, within the familiar environment and the established social networks. The quality of life in the old age is, however, oftentimes impaired by the physical barriers within their environment. The safety and independent self care at home should at times be supported by the daily living aids and assistive devices. Methods: In 2009, a qualitative research was conducted in the municipality of Ig. The data were collected through a survey questionnaire with partially structured questions. The respondents were asked to sign the research participation consent form and their anonymity was guaranteed. The questions could be answered orally or in writing. The research sample consisted of 80 participants, divided into three age groups: 65 to 70 age group (45 respondents), 71 to 75 age group (28 respondents), 76 to 80 age group (7 respondents). The standard deviation was applied in the statistical analysis and presentation of the data collected. Results: The research findings show that 95 % of the respondents are not willing to relocate to assisted living facilities (e.g. nursing home). 89 % of the respondents consider their home environment adequate to meet the challenges of the old age. However, the age-related problems often necessitate the use of assistive devices to secure safety, autonomy and independent living of the elderly, especially the availability of telephone communication (landline, 100 %) and the assistive devices for people with movement disorders (walking canes, 27 %). (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).