Avtor/Urednik     Bratina, Nataša; Hadžić, Vedran; Battelino, Tadej; Pistotnik, Borut; Pori, Maja; Šajber, Dorica; Žvan, Milan; Škof, Branko; Jurak, Gregor; Kovač, Marjeta; Dervišević, Edvin
Naslov     Slovenske smernice za telesno udejstvovanje otrok in mladostnikov v starostni skupini od 2 do 18 let
Prevedeni naslov     Slovenian guidelines for physical activity in children and adolescents in the age group 2-18 years
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 80, št. 12
Leto izdaje     2011
Obseg     str. 885-96
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Physical activity has many favourable influences on the general health of children, teenagers and adults. Regular physical activity can reduce morbidity and mortality. By the help of regular physical activity body weight can be reduced, lean body mass increased, there are data on the improvement of total cholesterol levels - increase in HDL cholesterol and decrease in LDL cholesterol, improved insulin sensitivity and increased bone density. Physical activity in early childhood can be an important step toward the lifestyle and general health in adulthood. An active lifestyle helps to prevent obesity in teenagers, and on the other hand reduces mortality in adulthood. It is very important that children start early (before the age of 12) with regular physical activity, and that physical activity is continued during teenage years and the adulthood. Children who are physical active rarely smoke and drink akohol beverages. Cardiorespiratory or aerobic exercises and musele strength training are extremely important for chronically ilI children; it reduces tiredness and improves the quality of life. This paper presents guidelines for regular physical activity in healthy children and adolescents.
Deskriptorji     EXERCISE