Avtor/Urednik     Pavlović, Miloš D; Adamič, Metka
Naslov     Oralni propranolol u lečenju visokorizičnih hemangioma odojčadi
Prevedeni naslov     Oral propranolol in the treatment of high-risk infantile hemangiomas
Tip     članek
Vir     Pedijatrija danas
Vol. in št.     Letnik 7, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2011
Obseg     str. 1-5
Jezik     ser
Abstrakt     Hemangiomas are the most common tumor s of the infancy. Early growth phase after birth is succeeded bya slow spontaneous involu60n. This biologic behavior means that most hemangiomas should not be treated. Yet, in case of ulcerated hernangiomas as well as tumors at special sites (periorbital, oropharyngeal, preauricular or parotid regions), prompt and ac6ve treatment is warranted in order to avoid serious complicat.ions. Un61 recently, drugs of choi ce for such hemanf,riomas were systemic corticosteroids. Over the past 3 years there bas been a growing body of literature about successful and safe use of oral propranolol in the treatment of infanwe hemangiomas. Propranolol (at an average daily dose of 2 mg/kg) now seems to be a first-line rnedication for high-risk and ulcerated infantile hemangiornas. With a proper patient selection and monitoring of effects and si de-effects (hypoglycernia, hypotension, bradycardia, bronchoconstriction), its efficacy overrides tl1e efficacy of cort.icosteroids with an excellent safety profile.