Avtor/Urednik     Avšič-Županc, T; Trilar, T; Poljak, M; Likar, M
Naslov     Biologija uzročnika hemoragičke groznice s bubrežnim sindromom
Prevedeni naslov     Biology of etiologic agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Tip     članek
Vir     Prax Vet
Vol. in št.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1993
Obseg     str. 37-43
Jezik     cro
Abstrakt     The causative agents of the haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) are viruses belonging to the Hantavirus genus. As morphologic and biochemical studies have shown, it is possible to include the Hantaan and alike viruses in the Bunyaviridae family. Micromammals, especially sylvan and field mice, vales and rats, are the natural reservoir of Hantaviruses. Therefore they are important in epizootic process whose man isn't bu tan accindental member. Hantaviruses cause a chronic, asymptomatic infection in their hosts. The knowledge of the biology of micromammals is a key for understanding the epidemiology of infection in man. It is interesting that the antigenic, genetic, epidemiologic and ecologic properties of different Hantavirus strains are similar. Still isn't clear how many antigenic varieties influence directly on the pathogenity of Hantaviruses. By epidemiologic investigation HFRS in Slovenia we found out the natural focuses of disease and proved that about 12 per cent of the different species of micromammals are infected by Hantaviruses. We found out that in Slovenia at least two Hantaviruses serotypes are circulating and consequently that there are different clinical courses, of disease in our patients (serious and mild form) and different serologic responses. Till now we succeed to isolate three Hantavirus strains from different species of rodents (A. flavisollis, M. Musculus, A. agrarius) and one from the urine and the brain od a patient dead of HFRS. By serologic and molecular-biological methods we proved that most of isolated viruses belong to the Hantaan typ e, and that the isolatum from A. flavicollis (named Dobrava) is a new type of the Hantavirus genus.