Avtor/Urednik     Nemec, A; Verstraete, FJM; Jerin, A; Šentjurc, M; Kass, PH; Petelin, M; Pavlica, Z
Naslov     Sistemska raven dušikovega oksida pri psih s parodontalno boleznijo
Prevedeni naslov     Systemic nitric oxide levels in dogs with periodontal disease
Tip     članek
Vir     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 67, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. 4-10
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background: Periodontitis-associated up-regulation of local nitric oxide (NO) is described in experimental models and human studies, but data on systemic NO associated with periodontal disease are in general very rare. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine if systemic NO in dogs with natu rally occurring periodontal disease is also elevated and related to the severity of the disease. Methods: Client-owned dogs presented for treatment of periodontal disease were divided in three groups. Animals without periodontitis were assigned to group 1 (n = 8), animals with :s: 25% of teeth affected with moderate or advanced periodontitis were placed in group 2 (n = 14), while those with> 25% of teeth affected with moderate or advanced periodontitis formed group 3. Nitrosyl haemoglobin (HbNO), nitrite/nitrate (NOx) and 3-nitrotyrosine (NT) levels were determined in samples of blood and urine collected before anaesthesia and dental procedures. Differences between the groups were analyzed using mixed-effects linear regression. Pearson correlation between NOx in plasma and uri ne, and between NOx and NT in plasma was calculated to examine the linear relationship between the variables. Results: No HbNO was detected in any of the animals tested. There was no significant difference in the NOx and NT plasma or urine levels between the groups. Plasma NT was detected in 1/3 of the animals. NOx levels vari ed greatly among individual dogs. Conclusion: The study shows that systemic NOx levels and nitroxidative stress in dogs are unrelated to the extent and severity of periodontal disease and depend largelyon individual factors.