Avtor/Urednik     Skalerič, U; Skalerič, E
Naslov     Parodontalna bolezen in zapleti med nosečnostjo
Prevedeni naslov     Periodontal disease and pregnancy complications
Tip     članek
Vir     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 67, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. 33-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Gingival inflammation caused by plaque is widespread among the population and it increases in women during pregnancy. The reason lies in increased levels of oestrogen and progesterone, increased growth of anaerobic flora in subgingival plaque, and suppression of the immune response during pregnancy. In recent decades, there have been several studies linking gingivitis and periodontitis to possible pregnancy complications and pre-term birth of infants with a low birth weight. According to this theory, bacteria, their products, and inflammatory mediators present in inflamed periodontal tissues may reach the placenta and foetus via the blood stream, causing premature birth or other complications such as preeclampsia. A meta-analysis of studies in pregnant women has shown that women with inflamed periodontal tissues during pregnancy have approximately three times higher risk of premature delivery. A meta-analysis of intervention studies in which periodontal treatment was performed during pregnancy, however, showed that periodontal treatment reduces the risk of pre-term delivery by half. Research results suggest a need for prevention of periodontal tissue inflammation and tooth decay in women before the onset of pregnancy and treatment of these conditions during pregnancy. Complications arising during pregnancy call for a cooperation between the dentist (periodontist) and the gynaecologist caring for the pregnant woman.