Avtor/Urednik     Schuller-Petrović, S; Pavlović, MD; Schuller, S; Schuller-Lukic, B; Adamič, M
Naslov     Telangiectasias resistant to sclerotherapy are commonly connected to a perforating vessel
Tip     članek
Vir     Phlebology
Leto izdaje     2012
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Leg telangiectasias resistant to repeated courses of sclerotherapy in patients without deep and superficial venous incompetence are not uncommon. Little is known about factors which may underlie the resistance. Among 26 patients with such telangiectasias we found a direct communication of the vessels with deep and saphenous veins in 65% of patients. Ultrasound-guided injection of 0.5% polidocanol foam into the feeding veins or their perforating segments led to clearance of all the telanagiectasias. In 23% of cases no feeding veins could have been identified by ultrasound. Direct injections of a sclerosant into perforating feeding veins may clear refractory telangiectasias in a majority of patients though it is obvious that other factors may contribute to the failure of sclerotherapy in others.
Deskriptorji     TELANGIECTASIS