Avtor/Urednik     Velnar, Tomaž; Ravnik, Janez; Bunc, Gorazd
Naslov     Resolution of blepharospasm after chronic subdural haematoma evacuation
Prevedeni naslov     Auflösung eines Blepharospasmus nach chronischer subduralen Hämatomentfernung
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 124, št. 5/6
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. 204-206
ISSN     0043-5325 - Wiener klinische Wochenschrift
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Blepharospasm in connection with chronic subdural haematoma is an uncommon pathology and usually subsides after treatment of the haematoma. Different mechanical and vascular factors may play a role by affecting domapinergic transmission in basal ganglia. A case of a 72-year-old patient is presented, who developed transient blepharospasm as a result of a chronic subdural haematoma and whose symptoms regressed after surgical management.
Proste vsebinske oznake     blepharospasm, etiology
blepharospasm, prevention and control
chronic disease
drainage, methods
subdural hematoma, complications
subdural hematoma, surgery
treatment outcome
blefarospazem, etiologija
blefarospazem, preprečevanje in nadzor
kronična bolezen
drenaža, metode
subduralni hematom, zapleti
subduralni hematom, kirurgija
izid zdravljenja