Avtor/Urednik     Mažuran, R
Naslov     The role of interferons in the regulation of cell function and the pathogenesis of disease
Prevedeni naslov     Vloga interferonov pri uravnavanju delovanja in patogenezi bolezni
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 63, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. II-19-II-2
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. Interferons are integral and efficient cell communication and regulation molecules. They are implicated in homeostasis and defense against many diseases and are involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of disorders. As a result of their regulatory potential, interferons are used as therapeutic agents in cancer, infections diseases, inflammatory, processes and autoimmune disorders. One example of this pervasiveness is the potential use of interferons in cancer treatment; where they are being tested as direct antitumor agents, as enhancers of immunological reactivity against tumor cells and as potentiators of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Condusions. The purpose of this presentation is to describe new findings in interferon biology, particularly those answering the questions how the interferons are regulated, how their effects on cells are mediated, and how they interact with other cytokines in complex regulatory networks. Finally, it shows how such information can be used to understand and influence normal cell function and disease pathogenesis. as direct antitumor agents, as enhancers of immunological reactivity against tumor cells and as potentiators of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Condusions. The purpose of this presentation is to describe new findings in interferon biology, particularly those answering the questions how the interferons are regulated, how their effects on cells are mediated, and how they interact with other cytokines in complex regulatory networks. Finally, it shows how such information can be used to understand and influence normal cell function
Deskriptorji     INTERFERONS