Avtor/Urednik     Simčič, S; Bobanović, F
Naslov     Modulation of neutrophil oxidative burst
Prevedeni naslov     Modulacija oksidativne eksplozije nevtrofilcev
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 63, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. II-63-II-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background. The neutrophil activation pathways include complex changes in ionic conductances and membrane potential. These changes are considered to he early parameters of the neutrophil activation process, however, their exact functional role is still unclear. In our study, an external electric field that changes the neutrophil membrane potential was used to assess the correlation of the membrane potential changes to the oxidative burst (OB) response. Materials and methods. Venous blood was taken from healthy adults and from the patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) without any other manipulation to estimate the neutrophil activation measured with luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL). Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), chemotactic peptide N formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMLP) and calcium ionophore ionomycin were used for in vitro activation of the OB. For electric treatment, the PEC was applied for one or five minutes through Pt-Ir electrodes directly immersed in cell suspension. The time course of the OB response or the CL levels before and after treatment were chosen as the main estimation values. The statistical significance was analysed by a paired Student's t-test. Results. The PEC treatment induced no significant OB response in normal human neutrophils. The one-minute PEC treatment affected mostly the ionomycin- and fMLP-stimulated PMNs and less PMA-stimulated PMNs. The CGD PMNs exposed to either fiveminute PMA, PEC or combined PMA and PEC treatment showed no significant alteration in CL levels compared to nonexposed control PMNs. The CL levels of normal PMNs stimulated for five minutes with combined PMA and PEC were 53 per cent higher than in PMA-aloneactivated neutrophils. However, the CL level of PMA-activated neutrophils in calcium depleted medium was only half as high as in normal calcium medium. Five-minute activation of the OB with PMA and PEC in calcium depleted medium was 13 per cent higher than in solely PMA-treated PMNs.(trunc.)
Izvleček     )
Deskriptorji     NEUTROPHILS