Avtor/Urednik     Ferlan-Marolt, V; Gadžijev, E
Naslov     A clinico-pathological analysis of liver cancer with an outline of its development in Slovenia: a study of 30 cases
Tip     članek
Vir     Exp Clin Gastroenterol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 4, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 1-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In the present study the clinical presentation, the course of the malignant disease and the pathomorphological characteristics of primary liver cancer in Slovenia were analyzed. In spite of urgent surgical intervention the median survival was 8 months from the time of diagnosis. The most frequent localization of the tumor was the right liver lobe, being often replaced by disseminated neoplastic nodules. In 40 per cent of the studied cases the disease arose in cirrhotic livers of alcoholic etiology. Histologically proven hepatocellular carcinoma comprised 87 per cent, and cholangiocarcinoma 13 per cent, of the examined tumors. Various growth patterns were the macrotrabecular (33 per cent), normotrabecular (27 per cent), microtrabecular (10 per cent) and the pseudoglandular (10 per cent) types, while solid growth was less frequent (6.6 per cent). The commonest grade of cellular differentiation was the moderate one (grade II) in 37 per cent, followed by the least differentiated type (grade IV) in 23 per cent. Immunohistochemically, AFP appeared to be a very frequent specific tissue antigen detected in 60 per cent of the analyzed cases, AAT was specific and positive in 23 per cent of this cancer and EMA was certainly nonspecific. CEA, appearing in 80 per cent, was the most frequent and the least specific antigen. Based on clinico-pathological correlations this 10-year analysis of 30 patients was an attempt to elucidate the possible characteristics of primary liver cancer in Slovenia.
Deskriptorji     LIVER NEOPLASMS