Avtor/Urednik     Jug Došler, Anita; Mivšek, Ana Polona; Korošec, Maja
Naslov     Pojmovanje in doživljanje menstruacije pri študentkah babištva
Prevedeni naslov     Conceptualization and perception of the menstruation midwifery students
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 47, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2013
Obseg     str. 47-55
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Uvod: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali se med študentkami babištva prvega in tretjega letnika pojavljajo razlike v njihovi percepciji in odnosu domenstruacije glede na poklicno filozofijo fiziologije ženske reprodukcije. Raziskava o dojemanju menstruacije daje uvid v to, ali lahko izobraževanje babištva, kljub medikaliziranemu kontekstu, v katerem se odvija, doseže uspešno profesionalno socializacijo v smislu spodbujanja fiziološke filozofske usmerjenosti stroke babištva. Metode: Uporabili smo deskriptivno in neeksperimentalno metodo raziskovanja. Raziskovalni instrument je bil vprašalnik. Študija je zajela vse študentke prvega in tretjega letnika (n = 58) visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa babištvo na Zdravstveni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Obdelava podatkov je potekala na nivoju deskriptivne statistike, pri čemer smo pri ugotavljanju razlik med študentkami prvega in tretjega letnika uporabili test hi-kvadrat, kjer pogoji zanj niso bili izpolnjeni, pa smo uporabili Kullbackov preizkus 2Î. Rezultati: Študentke prvega letnika se obravnavajo kot laiki, saj so v času anketiranja za sabo imele šele en mesec študija. 42 % študentk prvega letnika in 67 % študentk tretjega letnika je ob svoji prvi menstruaciji občutilo negativna čustva. O menstruaciji in menstrualnem ciklusu pozitivno razmišlja 80 % študentk prvega letnika in 96 % študentk tretjega letnika. 73 % študentk prvega letnika in 96 % študentk tretjega letnika o menstruaciji in menstrualnem ciklusu razmišlja predvsem s fiziološkega in reproduktivnega vidika. Študentke prvega in tretjega letnika se o menstruaciji pogovarjajo in večinoma med njo nimajo rednih spolnih odnosov. Diskusija in zaključek: Študentke tretjega letnika v primerjavi s študentkami prvega letnika v večji meri na menstruacijo gledajo s fiziološkega in reproduktivnega vidika. Na podlagi preizkusov statistične pomembnosti zaključujemo, da imajo študentke tretjega letnika študija babištva bolj pozitiven odnos do menstrualne krvavitve in menstruacijskega ciklusa v primerjavi s študentkami prvega letnika.Introduction: The purpose of the study was to identify and analyse the stance of midwifery students on menstruation and determine whether the philosophy of profession concerning female reproductive system changes their views during the process of midwifery education, provided in a largely medicalised context.This study on menstruation perception provides an insight into correlation between midwifery education and the ensuing level of professional socialisation, its values, attitudes, knowledge and underlying philosophy. The socialisation processes that occur during professional midwifery education should promote and encourage midwifery model of care which is based on respect for the intricacy of the natural physiology, that is, the philosophy of menstrual and reproductive physiology. Methods: The study was based on a descriptive and non-experimental method of empirical research. A questionnaire was used as the sole research instrument. Two separate cohorts (all the first and third-year midwifery students, n = 58) were interviewed to ascertain their perceptions on menstruation. The data acquired were processed at the level of descriptive statistics; the statistically significant differences between the two samples were determined by chi-square-test and Kullback 2Î test. Results: The students starting a midwifery programme were treated as laymen. In 42% of the first- year and in 67% of the third-year students, menarche was accompanied by negative feelings. At the time of the study, 80% of the respondents from the first cohort and 96% from the second cohort shared positive views on menstruation and menstrual cycle. The majority of the respondents (73% of the first and 96% of the third-year midwifery students) consider menstruation as an intrinsic part of reproductive physiology. The study participants can all discuss menstruation without reserve, but they would rarely engage in sexual intercourse during their menstrual bleeding. Discussion and conclusions: The tests for statistical significance show that there is a slight difference between the cohorts studied as to their menstruation and menstrual cycle perceptions. Most of the third-year students view menstruation as part of the reproductive physiology. Their attitudes towards menstruation are more positive than those of their first-year colleagues which could be attributed also to the knowledge and practical experience gained in the course of midwifery education.
Proste vsebinske oznake     menstrualni ciklus
menstrualna krvavitev
menstrual cycle
menstrual bleeding