Avtor/Urednik     Zemljič Jokhadar, Špela; Batista, Urška; Svetina, Saša
Naslov     Focal adhesions connectedness of Integrin B1, Caveolin-1 and focal adhesion kinase
Tip     članek
Vir     In: The Cytoskeleton in Development and Pathology : #a #FEBS/EMBO Lecture Course in conjuction with European Cytoskeletal Forum and Swedish Association for Cytoskeletal Research : Djurönäs, Stockholm Archipelago, Swede, 19-24 June 2010 [S.l. : s.n.]
Leto izdaje     2010
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     endotelijske celice
Integrin B1