Avtor/Urednik     Rejc-Novak, M; Radšel, Z; Farčnik, F; Korpar, M; Šalehar, M; Sušec-Michieli, M
Naslov     Ustvarjanje zdravih pogojev za rast in razvoj orofacialnega področja
Prevedeni naslov     To set up health conditions for growth and development of the orofacial region
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Farčnik F, editor. Preventivna in interceptivna ortodontija. Zbornik predavanj strokovnega srečanja. Rantovi dnevi; 1994 Sep 29-Oct 1; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Slovensko ortodontsko društvo,
Leto izdaje     1994
Obseg     str. 49-56
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The authors demostrated the connection between the frequency of malocclusions and the disease of respiratory system, allergy, pathological pharyngeal swabbing, smoking in the apartment and incompetent lip seal. Otolaryngologist had by analysis proved that 65,7 per cent children with incompetent lip seal have acute and chronical diseases of oral mucosis, hypertrophic tonsils and deviations of septum nasi. Assessment of connection between incompetent lip seal disturbed pronounciation of sound "s" and "š" and activity of masseter muscle was made. Parents and especially mothers during the pregnancy, the birth and growth of their child should get profound information about preventive measures which they have to be ready to use. Paediatricians, specialists of school medicine, nurses in psychologists have to cooperate with the dentists to carry out orthodontic prevention. On this way their contribution in diminishing of respiratory diseases and in better development of the children would be done. An important role has the dentist in the outpatient department of dental care for children.
Deskriptorji     MOUTH BREATHING