Avtor/Urednik     Hajdinjak, Tine; Leskovar, Jurij
Naslov     Comparison of nocturia response to desmopressin treatment between patients with normal and high nocturnal bladder capacity index
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2013
Leto izdaje     2013
Obseg     str. article ID 878564
ISSN     1537-744X - TheScientificWorldJournal
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Objective. To compare efficacy of desmopressin for treatment of nocturia between patients with normal and high nocturnal bladder capacity index (NBCi). Methods. Retrospective analysis of adult patients treated with desmopressin for nocturia. Patients were analyzed according to high or normal NBCi value before treatment. Results. 55 patients were identified, aged 4984, 47 males, 8 females, who started desmopressin 0.2mg nocte between 2009 and 2011. Two groups (N: normal and H: high NBCi) were similar regarding number, gender, age, 24h urine volume, and nocturnal urine volume. On treatment, nocturnal volume decreased by mean of 364mL. Number of nightly voids decreased in N group from 3.11 to 1.50, in H from 3.96 to 1.44. Nocturnal polyuria and nocturia indices also decreased significantly. NBCi remained the same in N group (0.56 on therapy) and in H group decreased to mean 0.63. All on-treatment values were statistically similar in N and H groups. Pretreatment differences were abolished with treatment. NBCi was significantly correlated to nocturia reductionlarger reduction was observed in patients with higher NBCi. In 8/55 patients, hyponatremia was detected, but without clinical consequences. Conclusions. The results indicate that the effectiveness of desmopressin on nocturia is not dependent upon the patient's pretreatment NBCi.
Deskriptorji     Urinary Bladder
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