Avtor/Urednik     Fijan, Sabina; Pavlič, Katja; Habjanič, Ana
Naslov     Preprečevanje prenosa ESBL-pozitivnih bakterij v domu starejših občanov in ozaveščenost negovalnega osebja
Prevedeni naslov     Preventing transmission of ESBL-producing positive bacteria in an old peoples'homes and awareness of the nursing staff
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 47, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2013
Obseg     str. 333-337
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Uvod: ESBL-pozitivne bakterije so odporne proti številnim antibiotikom, ki jih uporabljamo za zdravljenje okužb, in se v domu starejših občanov pogosto pojavljajo. Najpogostejši načini preprečevanja prenosa ESBL-pozitivnih bakterij so umivanje in razkuževanje rok negovalnega osebja, uporaba zaščitnih rokavic, čiščenje in razkuževanje površin ter pripomočkov za izvajanje zdravstvene nege. Metode: Z raziskavo, ki smo jo izvajali v domu starejših občanov, smo ugotavljali poznavanje aktivnosti za preprečevanje prenosa ESBL-pozitivnih bakterij. Izvedli smo anketiranje s pomočjo vprašalnika, kjer smo ugotavljali, koliko negovalni tim pozna pojem ESBL-pozitivne bakterije ter kdaj se izvaja umivanje in razkuževanje rok. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je 75 % anketirancev seznanjenih s pojmom ESBL-pozitivne bakterije. 96,6 % anketirancev meni, da je najpogostejši način prenosa ESBL-pozitivnih bakterij kontaktni prenos. Večina (71,4 %) anketirancev pozna ukrepe za preprečevanje okužb z ESBL-pozitivnimi bakterijami. Diskusija in zaključek: Okužbam v celoti se v domu starejših ni moč izogniti, možno jih je zmanjšati na najnižjo sprejemljivo raven, in sicer z izobraževanjem negovalnega osebja in doslednim izvajanjem ukrepov umivanja in razkuževanja rok ter pripomočkov.Introduction: ESBL-producing bacteria are resistant to many different antibiotics that are used in the treatment of infections and are mainly spread among people in hospitals and long-term care facilities. The most important ways to prevent transmission of ESBLproducing bacteria is washing and disinfecting hands of the nursing staff, the use of protective gloves, cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces and appliances for nursing care. Methods: The aim of the study performed in one of the old people's home was to determine the nurses' knowledge of ESBL-producing bacteria as well as the general and special precautions regarding the prevention of the spread of these organisms. The data were acquired through a structured questionnaire including questions about hand washing and disinfection as primary prevention method. Results: Results of the study show that 75 % of the nursing personnel are familiar with the ESBL-producing bacteria and 96.6 % of the respondents reported that the most common mode of transmission of ESBL-producing bacteria is a transmission by direct contact. The majority of the respondents were familiar with the protective measures against infections caused by ESBL-producing bacteria. Discussion and conclusion: While not all infections in old people's homes can be prevented, the vast majority of them can be reduced to the lowest acceptable level by educating the staff, adherence to guidelines for infection control and rigorous implementation of infection prevention procedures, especially washing and disinfecting hands and appliances.
Proste vsebinske oznake     bolnišnične okužbe
dom starejših
razkuževanje rok
hospital-acquired infections
nursing home
hand disinfection
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase