Avtor/Urednik     Gregorič Kumperščak, Hojka
Naslov     Med depresijo, adolescenčno krizo, samopoškodovalnim in samomorilnim vedenjem
Prevedeni naslov     Between depression, adolescent crisis, self-harm and suicidial behaviour
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Tuberkuloza otrok - čas za nove smernice? Samopoškodovalno vedenje in depresija pri otrocih in mladostnikih Novosti v pediatrični gastroenterologiji : zbornik predavanj Maribor : Univerzitetni klinični center
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. 91-96
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Pri obravnavi in delu z mladostniki, ki se srečujejo z duševnimi težavami oz. stiskami, se večkrat znajdemo pred dilemo, kam naj njihove težave sploh uvrstimo. So to že duševne motnje (npr. depresija) ali gre za adolescenčno krizo? Ali je mladostnik, ki se samopoškoduje, samomorilno ogrožen? Stiska zdravnika je še večja, ko se mora odločiti, kako naj mu pomaga. V prispevku poskušamo razmejiti adolescenčno krizo, depresijo, samopoškodovalno in samomorilno vedenje ter podajamo priporočila, kako obravnavati posamezna stanja. Pri delu z mladostniki je morda najpomembneje, da z njimi vzpostavimo pristen odnos, tako da začutijo, da jim želimo resnično pomagati. Od stanj, ki jih obravnavamo v prispevku, je resnično urgentno stanje, ki potrebuje takojšnji sprejem v bolnišnico, le samomorilna ogroženost.When working with adolescents suffering from mental health problems, one is often faced with the dilemma how to classify these problems. Should one classify them as psychiatric disorders such as depression, for instance, or are they to be treated as adolescent crisis? Is an adolescent with deliberate self-harm behaviour suicidal? The dilemma becomes even greater, when one has to determine the most appropriate treatment for these cases. The present article will try to define dividing line between the adolescent crisis, depression, self-harm and suicidal behaviour and will further provide short recommendations how to treat each of these cases. One should not forget, however, that the crucial issue when treating adolescents is the establishment of a friendly relationship with them, so that they can feel the doctor's willingness to help them. Out of all the above-mentioned conditions, only the suicidal behaviour is to be treated as urgent and frequently requires hospitalisation.
Deskriptorji     Self-Injurious Behavior
Samopoškodovalno vedenje