Avtor/Urednik     Verovnik, Rudi; Micevski, Branko
Naslov     Saving the Macedonian grayling
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Wageningen
Založnik     Butterfly Conservation Europe
Leto izdaje     2012
Obseg     str. 16 str.
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The Macedonian Grayling is one of the most threatened butterflies in Europe, known previously from only a single site. During our surveys it was found at six additional sites. The population size at Pletvar, where its presence was known previously, was estimated at over 3000 adults. This does reduce its extinction risk and justifies its downgrading to the level of Endangered species (EN) rather than Critically Endangered (CE) as at present. Quarrying remains the main threat, as such activities are visible at five out of seven sites. Raising public awareness and cooperation with quarry owners will be essential for long term successful conservation.
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