Avtor/Urednik     Mihoci, Janja; Blinc-Pesek, Marjeta
Naslov     Attachment as a predictor of therapeutic outcome
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 22, št. suppl. 1
Leto izdaje     2010
Obseg     str. S147-S148
ISSN     0353-5053 - Psychiatria Danubina
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Therapeutic alliance is one of the predictors of a success ful therapy. In the current case study of the 26 year old male student diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia we discuss the possible consequences of a short break in the therapeutic process on the treatment outcome. The client was appointed to an assistant psychologist for study support sessions and to work on his social skills and anxieties. The therapy continued regularly for a month and a half with some visible results in motivation, engagement and mood. After a break in the sessions due to the psychologist's absence, the client did not attend the sessions regularly. He became more withdrawn, his compliance with medical treatment was diminished and he did not meet his study goals.
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