Avtor/Urednik     Lazić, N; Lang, B; Rugelj, J; Bamburač, J
Naslov     Ocenitev zdravljenja alkoholizma
Prevedeni naslov     Evaluation of the treatment of alcoholics
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 29, št. 2
Leto izdaje     1990
Obseg     str. 237-47
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The complex ecological treatment should include all the systems wich cause changes in the patient's personality system, to remove disturbances in family systems, working environment and society, to change attitudes toward alcohol consumption, to create a social framework for strengthening one's self-confidence and gain affirmation so that communication of symptoms becomes unnecessary. This process can be feasible only in a new surrounding, a therapeutic group; that is, in a new system, created with new climate where dysfunction and presentation of symptoms has been eliminated. The treatment of alcoholism as a complex association of psychotherapeutic, family and social procedures in health institutions and clubs has given no satisfactory results in a certain number of cases. Some patients quit treatment and relapse, and sooner or later under social consequences, return to the institution for repeated treatment. In this paper the authors study the characteristics of successfully and unsuccessfully treated alcoholics and conclude, according to the results obtained, that these samples are significantly different according to Ego strenght. Hence, unsuccessfully treated alcoholics are younger, there are more variations with regard to age, and there are more with l ower profesional education and more blue collar workers than in the group of successfully treated alcoholics.
Deskriptorji     ALCOHOLISM