Avtor/Urednik     Plattner, Helmut; Verkhratsky, Alexei
Naslov     The ancient roots of calcium signalling evolutionary tree
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 57, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 123-132
ISSN     0143-4160 - Cell calcium
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Molecular cascades of calcium homeostasis and signalling (Ca2+ pumps, channels, cation exchangers, and Ca2+-binding proteins) emerged in prokaryotes and further developed at the unicellular stage of eukaryote evolution. With progressive evolution, mechanisms of signalling became diversified reflecting multiplication and specialisation of Ca2+-regulated cellular activities. Recent genomic analysis of organisms from different systematic positions, combined with proteomic and functional probing invigorated expansion in our understanding of the evolution of Ca2+ signalling. Particularly impressive is the consistent role of Ca2+-ATPases/pumps, calmodulin and calcineurin from very early stages of eukaryotic evolution, although with interspecies differences. Deviations in Ca2+ handling and signalling are observed between vertebrates and flowering plants as well as between protists at the basis of the two systematic categories, Unikonta (for example choanoflagellates) and Bikonta (for example ciliates). Only the B-subunit of calcineurin, for instance, is maintained to regulate highly diversified protein kinases for stress defence in flowering plants, whereas the complete dimeric protein, in vertebrates up to humans, regulates gene transcription, immune-defence and plasticity of the brain. Calmodulin is similarly maintained throughout evolution, but in plants a calmoldulin-like domain is integrated into protein kinase molecules. The eukaryotic cell has inherited and invented many mechanisms to exploit the advantages of signalling by Ca2+, and there is considerable overall similarity in basic processes of Ca2+ regulation and signalling during evolution, although some details may vary.
Proste vsebinske oznake     calcium homeostasis
genomic analysis
kalcijeva homeostaza
genomska analiza