Avtor/Urednik     Fijan, Sabina; Stanković, Ana; Lahe, Milica; Šostar-Turk, Sonja
Naslov     Spremljanje gibanja virusa hepatitisa B v Sloveniji v desetletnem obdobju
Prevedeni naslov     Monitoring of hepatitis B in Slovenia between the years 2001 and 2011
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zbornik predavanj Maribor : Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 72-76
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Hepatitis B je nalezljiva bolezen vnetja jeter, ki jo povzroča virus hepatitisa B. Namen raziskave je bil analizirati novejše statistične podatke o spremljanju gibanja hepatitisa B v Sloveniji. S pomočjo podatkov Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje Republike Slovenije smo ugotavljali pojavnost, obolevnost in umrljivost hepatitisa B v Sloveniji med leti 2001 in 2011. Metode Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivni epidemiološki metodi. Statistično je bila izvedena demografska (prijava bolezni po starostnih skupinah), kronološka (skupen prikaz incidence in mortalitete po letih) in topografska analiza (prijava bolezni po zdravstvenih regijah) primerov hepatitisa B v Sloveniji. Rezultati V Sloveniji je pogostost hepatitisa B v primerjavi z Evropo nizka. Bistveno bolj obolevajo moški kot ženske. Akutni hepatitis B se najpogosteje pojavlja v starosti od 25 do 44 let, kronični hepatitis B pa od rojstva do starosti 24 let. Za akutnim hepatitisom B je v obdobju desetih let največ oseb zbolelo v mariborski regiji. Diskusija in zaključki V Sloveniji je v skladu z Zakonom o nalezljivih boleznih prijava hepatitisa B obvezna, na ta način se tudi ocenjuje razširjenost bolezni. Prav gotovo je število okužb višje, saj nekateri ljudje ne iščejo zdravstvene pomoči ali prijava ni popolna, okužba pa lahko poteka brez zunanjih znakov.Hepatitis B is a contagious disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. The purpose of this research was to analyse recent statistical data about tracing the movement of hepatitis B in Slovenia. With the data from the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia we analysed the incidence, morbidity and mortality due to hepatitis B between the years 2001 and 2011. Methods The research was based on the descriptive epidemiologic method. Demographic (registration of the disease in certain age groups), chronological (combined presentation of incidence and mortality by certain ages) and topographic analysis (registration of the disease in our health regions) of hepatitis B cases in Slovenia were statistically carried out. Results In comparison to other European countries the frequency and occurrence of hepatitis B in Slovenia is low. Men get infected more often than women. Acute hepatitis B most frequently affects people between 25 and 44 years of age, but chronical hepatitis B affects people from birth to the age of 24. In the period of 10 years most infections with acute hepatitis B were reported in the region of Maribor. Discussion and conclusions According to the Contagious Diseases Act in Slovenia the registration of hepatitis B is obligatory and in this way the spread of this disease is estimated. The number of infections is most certainly higher, because some people do not get medical treatment or the registration of the disease is incomplete. The infection itself can also progress without external disease symptoms.
Proste vsebinske oznake     virus hepatitisa B
nalezljive bolezni
hepatitis B virus