Avtor/Urednik     Šket, Tea; Artnik, Barbara; Kukec, Andreja
Naslov     Preverjanje mednarodne metodologije za spremljanje globalnih kazalnikov ustnega zdravja v Sloveniji
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Ljubljana
Založnik     [T. Šket]
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. [8], 40 f., pril.
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Background. Oral health is an integral part of general health and wellbeing, which as evidence impacts on the quality of individual and society life. The oral health state is assessed by the indicators of oral health. Under the auspices of the European Commission in the context of the European Global Oral Health Indicators Development Project (EGOHID) the task force has prepared a set of 40 indicators for monitoring the oral health. Aim. The purpose of the research is to examine the adequacy of the EGOHID project methodology to establish a system of the oral health indicators monitoring in Slovenia by a pilot study. Hypotheses. Our hypotheses have been: interviewing pursuant to the proposed and tested methodology is feasible and appropriate to establish a collection of oral health indicators; sociodemographic and other individual factors are independent of the data collecting mode; oral health indicators are linked to individual factors and environmental factors; psychometric properties of questionnaires are appropriate. Methods. The pilot study was carried out in accordance with the methodology of the EGOHID project (interviewing adults, mothers of children and dentists). Data were collected through a combination of telephone and field or online and field interviewing, respectively. The results were shown by a frequency distribution of the observed sample groups. We compared the phone and online obtained sample groups. We checked the connection of oral health with the individual and environmental factors by the nonparametric statistical tests. The questionnaires internal consistency of the observed sample groups was calculated by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results. The questionnaires for all observed sample groups are understandable and coherent and allow high responsiveness of respondents. Acquired sample groups are independent of the interviewing mode and statistically significantly do not differ among them (p> 0.050). In adults and children, we proved an interaction: the age with the frequency of brushing (padults = 0.029; pchildren = 0.006), socioeconomic factors with the frequency of brushing (padults = 0.037; pchildren = 0.005), socioeconomic factors with using toothpaste with fluorides (padults = 0,050; pchildren = 0.011), and socioeconomic factors with the reason of the last visit to the dentist (padults = 0.024; pchildren = 0.008). Some interactions have only been proved significant in the group of children or adults. For dentists, the type of practice and the number of working hours per week are strongly related to their satisfaction with the quality of care and satisfaction with the income from work (p = 0.001). Conclusion. Interviewing pursuant to the proposed methodology is feasible and appropriate to establish a continuous collection of oral health indicators in Slovenia.
Proste vsebinske oznake     oralno zdravje
kakovost življenja
kazalniki ustnega zdravja
EGOHID projekt
ustreznost metodologije
anketni vprašalniki