Avtor/Urednik     Ravnik, Janez; Ravnik, Maja; Bunc, Gorazd; Glumbić, Ivana; Tobi-Vereš, Eržebet; Velnar, Tomaž
Naslov     Metastasis of an occult pulmonary carcinoma into meningioma
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     , št. [Vol.] 13
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. [1]-5
ISSN     1477-7819 - World journal of surgical oncology
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Tumour-to-tumour metastasis is an infrequent pathological phenomenon. Meningioma is the most common intracranial tumour where metastatic deposits may be found, the majority of which arise from breast and lung cancers. We describe an unusual case of occult pulmonary carcinoma metastasis into the intracranial meningioma. A 77-year old lady presented with acutely deteriorating hemiparesis. Her previous medical history was unremarkable. Radiological imaging revealed an expansive lesion, classified as meningioma, which was located parasagittally in the right premotor area. A well-capsulated tumour attached to the dura was removed surgically. The pathological examination demonstrated a mixture of angiomatous meningioma and pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Possible explanations for the development of a composite tumour and pathophysiology are described.
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