Avtor/Urednik     Voga, Gorazd
Naslov     Acute heart failure management - what is new in 2009?
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 131, št. suppl. 1
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 45-48
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Acute heart failure is one of the major health problems, related with the high rate of acute hospitalization, morbidity and mortality and high costs. The new insights in the patophysiology, diagnosis, monitoring, together with some new treatment options allow better understanding of the acute heart failure syndroms and proper management. The recognition of initial clinical presentation is esential for the treatment strategy, which is largely empiric. In the majority of patients symptomatic improvement is acheived with early and proper use of vasodilators and diuretics. Despite the fact that inotropic support and mechanical circulatory does not improve the mortality, early hemodynamic stabilization can successfully acheived and represent an important bridge in patients with potential myocardial recovery. In patients with acute failure due to acute coronary syndrome, early invasive diagnostic and reperfusion can improve the prognosis importantly. In all patients with acute heart failure, the most important goals of immediate treatment strategy are symptomatic improvement, restoration of adequate organ perfusion and oxygenation, cardiac and renal damage limitation and shortening of the ICU stay.
Deskriptorji     Heart failure
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