Avtor/Urednik     Mermolja, M; Debeljak, A; Rutar-Zupančič, M
Naslov     Štetje in diferenciacija celic v plevralnih izlivih
Prevedeni naslov     Total and differential count of the cells in pleural effusions
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 64, št. 6
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 345-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Cytological examination of pleural effusion is mostly designed for searching the malignant cells. However, the determination of nonmalignant cells is often neglected. In this paper the significance and the role of total and differential count of nonmalignant cells in pleural effusions were evaluated. Methods. A total of 412 effusions from 279 patients were included into the study. In all samples total cell count of erythrocytes and nucleated cells as well as differential cell count of nonmalignant nucleated cells were performed. Etiologically the effusions are classified into the transudates and exudates while the latter are divided into the following subgroups: carcinomatous, paraneoplastic, tuberculous, nontuberculous inflammatory and etiologically undetermined exudates. Results. Transudates are mostly clear or turbid and contain less than 1000 nucleated cells/microL. In the differential cell count of transudates the mesothelial cells or monohystiocytes prevail. In carcinomatous involvement of the pleura the exudates are more frequently bloody than the exudates of other etiologies. In more than half of the exudates the nucleated cells are present in the range from 1000-5000/microL. In the differential cell count of tuberculous exudates the lymphocytes are predominant much more frequently than in the exudates of other etiologies. In nontuberculous inflammatory exudates the neutrophil granulocytes frequently prevail. More than 10.0 percent of eosinophil granulocytes are most frequently found in etiologically undetermined exudates. Conclusions. In the routine laboratory processing of pleural effusions the erytrocytes are not necessarily to be counted. Although the results of the total and differential cell count of nonmalignant cells are not specific, yet they are useful in connection with the results of other diagnostic procedures.(trunc.)
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Citološki pregled plevralnega izliva je večinoma namenjen iskanju malignih celic. Pogosto pa zanemarjamo presojo nemalignih celic. V tem sestavku avtorji ocenjujejo diagnostični pomen in vlogo štetja in diferenciacije nemalignih celic v plevralnih izlivih. Metode. V obdelavo je zajetih 412 vzorcev plevralnega izliva od 279 bolnikov. Pri vseh vzorcih je opravljeno štetje eritrocitov in celic z jedrom ter diferenciacija nemalignih celic. Etiološko so izlivi razdeljeni v transudate in eksudate. Slednji pa v naslednje podskupine: karcinomski, paraneoplastični, tuberkulozni, netuberkulozni vnetni in etiološko neopredeljeni eksudati. Rezultati. Transudati so večinoma bistri ali rumenomotni in vsebujejo manj kot 1000 celic z jedrom/mikroL. V diferencialni sliki transudatov prevladujejo mezotelijske celice ali pa monohistiociti. Eksudati so pri karcinozah plevre značilno pogosteje krvavi kot eksudati drugih etiologij. Celice z jedrom so v več kot polovici eksudatov prisotne v razponu od 10005000/mikroL. V diferencialni sliki tuberkuloznih eksudatov prevladujejo limfociti značilno pogosteje kot v eksudatih drugih etiologij. V netuberkuloznih vnetnih eksudatih pogosto prevladujejo nevtrofilni granulociti. Več kot 10,0 odst. eozinofilnih granulocitov pa najpogosteje najdemo v etiološko neopredeljenih eksudatih. Zaključki. Eritrocitov pri rutinski laboratorijski obdelavi plevralnih izlivov ni treba šteti. Rezultati štetja in diferenciacije nemalignih celic z jedrom diagnostično sicer niso specifični, so pa koristni in uporabni v povezavi z rezultati drugih diagnostičnih postopkov. Zato spadata štetje in diferenciacija celic med redne postopke citološke obdelave plevralnih izlivov.
Deskriptorji     PLEURAL EFFUSION