Avtor/Urednik     Jędrzejkiewicz, Bernardeta; Dobrowolska, Beata; Kaučič, Boris Miha
Naslov     Wybrane aspekty opieki geriatrycznej w opinii osób starszych oraz studentów medycyny i pielêgniarstwa w kontekoecie dyskusji na temat ageizmu w sektorze opieki zdrowotnej
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     , št. 4
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 186-192
Jezik     pol
Abstrakt     Introduction. Age-based discrimination can be experienced in various areas of life. It is particularly reprehensible when it becomes a cause of disrespect and creates barriers in the access and use of public goods and services, such as primary and specialist medical care. Aim. Analysis of selected aspects of geriatric care in the opinion of the elderly and students of medicine and nursing in the context of the discussion on the phenomenon of ageism in health care. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2015 among 80 elderly persons (over 65 years of age, students of the University of the Third Age) and 100 medical university students (50 studying nursing and 50 studying medicine). Results. Vast majority of the elderly respondents admitted that they had never been asked by their GPs about the occurrence of the geriatric giants (e.g. urinary incontinence, falls, memory problems). Two out of five respondents stated that their GP did not examine them during a visit aimed at prescribing medication, and half of the respondents were told that their ailments were a result of senility. Most seniors (70.2%) felt that nursing care was provided at a sufficient level. However, only 39.3% of seniors believed that nurses devoted sufficient amount of time to them. Almost all the students surveyed concluded that elderly patients require special care. However, more than half of the students were unwilling to work with the elderly in the future. Conclusions. Not testing seniors for specific to the elderly geriatric giants and attributing their ailments to age may suggest the presence of ageism in health care. This fact, taken together with data indicating that future doctors (less often nurses) do not express interest in working with the elderly requires complex action, among which specialized undergraduate and postgraduate trainings play an important role.
Proste vsebinske oznake     gerontologija
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