Avtor/Urednik     Farmany, Polona
Naslov     Compulsory vaccination and human rights
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Prevention of infectious diseases in children - role of primary and social paediatrics: proceedings and book of abstracts Radlje ob Dravi : Slovenian medical association, Slovenian paediatrics society
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 23-28
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The purpose of this article is to draw attention on human rights which are affected by measure of compulsory vaccination. In this context the decision ofthe Constitutional Court No. U-I-127/01 is introduced. According to assessment of the Constituional Court determination of compulsory vaccination itself is not inconsistent with the Constitution. However, the Constitutional Court held that the Communicable Diseases Act was inconsistent with the Constitution, as it did not regulate procedure and the rights of affected persons in connection with establishing justified reasons for refaining from compulsory vaccination, and did not regulate liability for damages of the state for a damage that an individual suffers due to compulsory vaccination. Considering the decision of the Constitutional court the legislature has adopted adequate amendements of statutory regulation.
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