Avtor/Urednik     Mlakar, Jernej; Videčnik, Jerneja; Matičič, Mojca; Vrabec, Matej; Alibegović, Armin; Popović, Mara
Naslov     Central nervous system granulomastous phlebitis with limited extracranial involvement of the heart and lungs
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 36, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2016
Obseg     str. 88-92
ISSN     0919-6544 - Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Primary angiitis of the central nervous system is a rare condition, usually with an insidious onset. There is a wide variety of histological types (granulomatous, lymphocytic or necrotizing vasculitis) and types of vessel involved (arteries, veins or both). Most cases are idiopathic. We describe a first case of idiopathic granulomatous central nervous system phlebitis with additional limited involvement of the heart and lung, exclusively affecting small and medium sized veins in a 22-year-old woman, presenting as a sub acute headache. The reasons for this peculiar limitation of inflammation to the veins and the involvement of the heart and lungs are unknown.
Proste vsebinske oznake     central nervous system
granulomatous angiitis
centralni živčni sistem
granulomatozni angiitis