Avtor/Urednik     Breznik, Radovan; Borko, Elko; Dolenc, Nada
Naslov     Tubarni faktor steriliteta i baleneoterapija
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 5, št. br. 2
Leto izdaje     1981
Obseg     str. 3-7
Jezik     srp
Abstrakt     During 8 year period (1973-1980) 177 patients at the Gynecology Department of the General Hospital in Maribor undervent macroscopic microsurgery for the tubal causes of infertility. Out of the total number of patients 110 were sent to the health resort Dobrna for balneotherapy. Of the women not treated balneological, a greater percentage became pregnant in comparison with those treated at the spa; the conceivement, however, occured on account of minor changes in the pelvic cavity. In our opinion balneotherapy has a particularly beneficial effect upon patients after salpingoplastic surgery.
Deskriptorji     Fallopian Tube Diseases
Jajcevod, bolezni
Infertility, Female
Neplodnost, ženska