Avtor/Urednik     Borko, Elko
Naslov     Utjecaj zaposlenosti na broj ranih komplikacija kod prekinuća trudnoće tehnikom vakuumske aspiracije
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Zagreb
Založnik     [G. Borko]
Leto izdaje     1979
Obseg     str. 83 f.
Jezik     hrv
Abstrakt     In his work the author is dealing with complications arising from interruption of pregnancy by means of vacuum aspiration in cases of employed and unemployed women. In 999 women being treated for legal abortion in the Gynecological department of the General hospital Maribor, 749 were employed, 250 unemployed. With the method of clinical reprography the reproductive differences in both groups of women are studied, especially those which could have influenced the greater number of complications after legal permission for the interruption of pregnancy had been granted. By means of analysis and statistical check-ups he concludes that there are more statistically significant early complications with the interruptions of pregnancy after 10 weeks in unemployed than in employed women. The analysis of inflammatory complications shows that the complication is more frequent in employed women probably becauese of the influence of the working environment. The results show that the interruption of pregnancy by means of menstrual regulation (without dilatation) does not have statistically significant advantages in the reduction of the number of early complications regarding the interruption of pregnancy with vacuum aspiration and dilatation.
Deskriptorji     Abortion, Induced
Abortus, induciran
Vacuum Curettage
Vakumska kiretaža
Proste vsebinske oznake     ženska