Avtor/Urednik     Borko, Elko; Breznik, Radovan; Ivaniševič, Vojo; Držečnik Požar, Livija
Naslov     Prognostička vrijednost određivanja estriola, pregnandiola i humanog placentarnog laktogena u ranoj rizičnoj trudnoći
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zbornik radova Zemun : Galenika
Leto izdaje     1977
Obseg     str. 52-55
Jezik     srp
Abstrakt     The authors analyse the diagnostic and prognostic value of the determination of oestriol and pregnanediol in 24-hour urine and of serum HPL in 82 women admitted to the department because of threatened abortion. They have found that the determination od estradiol and pregnanediol in 24-hour urine in early pregnancy is of no prognostic value. The determination of HPL in serum is of great prognostic value.
Deskriptorji     Pregnancy
Placental Lactogen
Placentalni laktogen