Avtor/Urednik     Marinič, Milena
Naslov     Psychiatric health records are not publicly available document
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2015
Obseg     str. 250-255
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to present an invasion of privacy posed by the public availability of health data. State archives around the world seek to take over health records and archives. Above all, it is the archives of the war and post-war period and notes about celebrity. The social environment in which the individual lives is vital to its development and communication activities in relation to the other, which contributes respect for privacy, personal rights and dignity. The aim of data protection is to protect the rights of individuals in dealing with others with their data and respect for self-determination information. Privacy is a concept that allows each individual to decide to whom, how much and what information about yourself will provide. The fundamental human right to self-determination and the right information to protect the names and personal details, which ends with death. In order to protect the dignity of the individual after his death, the law provides protection to restrict access to personal information. With the help of preskritivne methods I identify, on the basis of which the laws of privacy is protected health records for the extradition of the National Archives. In order to determine the protection of privacy in the archival documentary material, on the basis of descriptive methods shown in the management of health records after the death of the individual, as the holder of personal rights, is no more. I looked both domestic and foreign explanations court decisions relating to personal data and privacy, the Recommendation of the Council of Europe on access to official documents and legal rules and domestic laws of copyright works. The discussion follows the inadequacy of existing legislation and at the same time the necessity of regulating the health records of its management, providing security and data processing.
Proste vsebinske oznake     health records
archival material
public availability
zdravstvene kartoteke
arhivsko gradivo
javna dostopnost