Avtor/Urednik     Pahor, Dušica; Kavalar, Rajko; Pahor, Artur
Naslov     Histologisch nachgewiesene Riesenzellarteriitis und Sehverlust
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 30, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2016
Obseg     str. 169-174
Jezik     ger
Abstrakt     Background. Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a disease with different clinical picture and frequently involves temporal artery. The aim of our study was to evaluate visual loss in patients with biopsy-proven temporal varteritis. Methods. All patients with biopsy-proven temporal arteritis identified from pathology reports from 2008 to 2015 were included in our study. At the end, 24 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria remained in the study. In all patients a retrospective chart review of complete ophthalmic and rheumathologic examination was performed. The average age of our patients was 77.5 years. The majority of the patients were women (79.2 %). Abnormal temporal arterial biopsy in all patients revealed necrotizing vasculitis with predominant mononuclear cell infiltration or granulomatous inflammation. Results. All patients had a history of a new onset headache. Temporal artery abnormality was found in 41.6 %. Systemic symptoms such as scalp tenderness, yaw claudication, fever, general malaise, weight loss, and high level of ESR or CRP were observed in 95.8 %. In 54.2 % patients visual disturbance was observed. Complete visual loss in one or both eyes was observed in 25 % patients. Visual field testing was performed on both eyes in all cases with visual loss. Concentric narrowing of the visual field from 10 to 40 degrees occurred in all eyes, also in patients with no visual loss. Conclusions. Our study confirmed that more than half of our patients with biopsy-proven temporal arteritis had developed visual disturbance. Giant cell arteritis is a disease with a wide spectrum of presentation. This disease must be always excluded in older patients with new onset of headache, temporal artery abnormality, elevated ESR with or without visual loss. The most common pattern of visual field defects was concentric narrowing, also in eyes without visual loss.
Proste vsebinske oznake     temporalna arterija
optična nevropatija, ishemična, anteriorna
izguba vida
vidno polje, izpad
sistemski simptomi