Avtor/Urednik     Šircelj, M
Naslov     Prebivalstvo Slovenije med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo
Prevedeni naslov     The Slovene population between the past and the future
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2, št. 1-3
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 42-4
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The author presents a short description of past trends of and possible future developments of the Slovene population until 2020. The Slovene population has been decreasing since 1991; natural increase has been hardly positive, net migration negative. Such developments cause serious concerns regarding the future of the slovene population. This future depends on actual age structure and future developments of mortality, fertility and international migrations. It is not possible to change the actual age structure, but it is possible to influence, to a lesser or greater extent, the developments of mortality, fertility and international migrations if concrete and coordinated actions are implemented in this respect. The results of such actions however can be expected only after a longer period of time, except actions concerning international migration. This is the reason why the decrease in the Slovene population and it's increasing age can be stopped, or at least slowed down in a short period of time, only by the excess of immigration over emigration.
Deskriptorji     DEMOGRAPHY