Avtor/Urednik     Ljubič, Andreja; Štemberger Kolnik, Tamara
Naslov     Prednosti metode montessori pri obravnavi pacientov z demenco
Prevedeni naslov     The benefits of the Montessori Method in the treatment of patients with dementia
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 51, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2017
Obseg     str. 75-88
ISSN     1318-2951 - Obzornik Zdravstvene Nege
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Uvod: Demenca je kronično obolenje s tendenco upadanja kognitivnih sposobnosti obolelega. Uporaba metod za obvladovanje in trening osnovnih življenjskih aktivnosti, ki omogočajo daljše obdobje samostojnega življenja pacienta z demenco, je v tujini uveljavljena z različnimi novejšimi komplementarnimi pristopi. Ena izmed uveljavljenih metod je pristop Marie Montessori, prilagojen odraslim pacientom z demenco. V članku je predstavljena metoda montessori pri obravnavi pacienta z demenco in njeni učinki na kakovost življenja pacienta z demenco. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metodologija s pregledom domače in tuje literature. Za prikaz pregleda petih preko spleta dostopnih podatkovnih baz in odločanja o uporabnosti pregledanih virov je bila uporabljena metoda PRISMA. V končni pregled literature je bilo vključenih 19 člankov, objavljenih do maja 2016. Za obdelavo podatkov je bil uporabljen model analize konceptov. Večina zajetih raziskav je bila izvedena v Združenih državah Amerike. Rezultati: Po pregledu raziskav so bila identificirana tri tematska področja: (1) vpliv metode montessori na sodelovanje in prizadevanje, (2) vpliv metode montessori na vedenje, povezano s hranjenjem, in (3) vpliv metode montessori na širšo skupino kognitivnih sposobnosti. Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu številu člankov, ki opisujejo uporabo metode montessori pri obravnavi pacientov z demenco, metodo lahko predstavimo kot učinkovito. Avtorji raziskav ugotavljajo, da pristop ne le omogoča ohranjanje kognitivnih sposobnosti, temveč le-te celo izboljšuje.Introduction: Dementia is a chronic disease with the tendency of declining patient's cognitive and mental abilities. Treatment is primarily focused on prolonging the period of independent life. Various newer complementary approaches and methods that are aimed at maintaining and encouraging cognitive abilities have been implemented across the globe. One of these methods is the approach of Maria Montessori, which has been adapted to adult persons suffering from dementia. The article presents the Montessori Method in the treatment of people with dementia and its effects on the patient's quality of life. Methods: The descriptive research methodology was used to review of domestic and foreign literature. The PRISMA method was used to review five databases accessible online and make decisions on the applicability of the reviewed sources. The conceptual model by Walker and Avant was used for data analysis. The final review included 19 studies published before May 2016. The included studies have been conducted mainly in the United States of America. Results: The three thematic areas have been identified based on reviews: (1) the effects of the Montessori-based activities on engagement and effort, (2) the impact of the Montessori-based activities on eating behaviours and (3) the benefits of the Montessori-based activities on the broader group of cognitive abilities. Discussion and conclusions: Despite the small number of publications that describe the use of the Montessori Method in the treatment of patients with dementia, the method can be represented as effective. Several authors note that this approach not only enables the preservation of cognitive and mental abilities, but even improves them.
Proste vsebinske oznake     medicinske sestre
zdravstvena nega
terapevtske aktivnosti
pedagogika montessori
therapeutic activities
Montessori pedagogy