Avtor/Urednik     Matjačić, Zlatko; Zadravec, Matjaž; Olenšek, Andrej
Naslov     Comparison of dynamic balancing responses following outward lateral perturbations during walking of healthy and post-stroke subjects
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 3, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2017
Obseg     str. 11-14
ISSN     2364-5504 - Current directions in biomedical engineering
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Efficient dynamic balancing and movement co- ordination during walking are essential for stability. The objective of this preliminary study was to assess dynamic balancing responses in a selected post-stroke subject and to compare them with those assessed in neurologically intact individual. Balance Assessment Robot, a haptic robot that interfaces to a pelvis of a subject walking on an instrumented treadmill, was used to deliver perturbing pushes to the pelvis. We have assessed centre-of-pressure (CoP) and horizontal components of ground reaction forces (GRF) following outward pushes. The results have shown that depending on the amplitude of a perturbing push neurologically intact individual responded predominantly by ankle and hip strategies at lower amplitude of perturbation and ankle and stepping strategies at higher amplitude of perturbation. Post-stroke subject responded mainly by ankle and hip strategies when perturbed on the sound leg while the response when perturbed on the impaired leg was similar to the one observed in healthy subject. These preliminary results indicate that post-stroke subjects might be reluctant or not able to perform cross step with their impaired leg which is needed when counteracting outward perturbation.
Proste vsebinske oznake     ankle strategy
hip strategy
pertubed walking
stepping response
motnje hoje
koordinacija gibanja