Avtor/Urednik     Hošnjak, Lea; Fujs Komloš, Kristina; Kocjan, Boštjan; Seme, Katja; Poljak, Mario
Naslov     Development of a novel multiplex type - specific quantitative real-time PCR for detection and differentiation of infections with HPV2, HPV27, and HPV57
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Abstracts : [HPV induced cancers : part II] Amsterdam : [s. n.]
Leto izdaje     2017
Obseg     str. [181-182]
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     routine detection of HPV
development of a novel multiplex type
common warts
rutinsko odkrivanje HPV
razvoj nove vrste multipleksa
skupine bradavic