Avtor/Urednik     Kokošar, Barbara; Lakič, Nikola; Jeverica, Samo; Pečavar, Blaž; Logar, Mateja; Cerar Kišek, Tjaša; Lejko-Zupanc, Tatjana
Naslov     Contribution of sonicate-fluid cultures and broad-range PCR to microbiological diagnosis in vascular graft infections
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     , št. Vol.
Leto izdaje     2017
Obseg     str. str.
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Background: Vascular graft infections (VGI) are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, and antimicrobial treatment is an important adjunct to surgical treatment. While microbial aetiology of VGI is often difficult to determine, other techniques such as sonication of implanted material may be used to enhance the recovery of biofilm-associated organisms. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of 22 consecutive patients treated for VGI at University Medical Centre Ljubljana from May 2011 through January 2015. Explanted vascular grafts were flooded with sterile Ringer solution, sonicated for 1 min at a frequency of 40 kHz and inoculated on solid and liquid culture media. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were performed, incubated for 14 days and any significant bacterial growth was quantitatively evaluated. Additionally, broad-range PCR from sonicate fluid was performed. Microbiological results were compared with the results of preoperatively taken blood cultures and the results of intraoperative tissue cultures (material from peri-graft collection). Results: Identification of the causative organism (irrespective of the method) was achieved in 95.8%. Preoperative blood cultures were positive in 35.3%, intraoperative tissue cultures in 31.8%, sonicate fluid culture in 79.2%, while broad-range PCR from sonicate fluid was positive in 66.7%. In 37.5% the pathogen detected in sonicate fluid culture or broad-range PCR was the only positive microbiological result. Conclusions: Sonicate fluid culture and broad-range PCR from explanted vascular grafts may contribute to optimization of antimicrobial treatment. Optimal timing of antibiotic therapy before explantation should be further assessed to improve diagnostic yield.
Proste vsebinske oznake     vascular graft infection
sonication method
pathogen detection
vaskularna okužba s presadkom
sonikacijska metoda
odkrivanje patogenov