Avtor/Urednik     Groleger Sršen, Katja
Naslov     Postavljanje ciljev v rehabilitaciji otrok
Prevedeni naslov     Goal setting in paediatric rehabilitation
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Določanje ciljev rehabilitaciji : zbornik predavanj : proceedings Ljubljana : Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča : = University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia
Vol. in št.     Letnik 17, št. supl. 1
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. 104-109
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Izhodišče: Postavljanje ciljev je pomemben korak pri načrtovanju terapevtskega programa. Glede na to nas je zanimalo, v kakšni meri je postavljanje ciljev v rehabilitaciji otrok na področjih fizioterapije, delovne terapije in logopedske obravnave dejansko razvidno iz dostopne literature. Metode: V podatkovnih zbirkah Medline (Index Medicus) in Cochrane (Wiley) smo s pomočjo ključnih besed poiskali članke, ki so bili na temo postavljanja ciljev v rehabilitaciji otrok objavljeni do 31. 12. 2017. Uporabili smo ključne besede v angleščini: rehabilitation, child, goal setting, process; goal setting in rehabilitation of children /physiotherapy /occupational therapy /speech and language therapy /communication/ feeding /dysphagia; goal attainment scaling. Rezultati: V obeh zbirkah, Medline (Index Medicus) in Cochrane (Wiley), smo s kombinacijo naštetih ključnih besed našli skupno 275 člankov. Ob pregledu dostopnih člankov smo našli le nekaj takšnih, v katerih so dovolj dobro opisane prednosti postavljanja ciljev, način postavljanja ciljev in vključevanje otrok in staršev v proces postavljanja ciljev. Največ je bilo člankov s področja delovne terapije. Najbolj sistematično je postavljanje ciljev vključeno v delo z otroki z razvojno motnjo koordinacije, kjer je izbira treh ciljev prvi korak v terapevtskem programu, v katerem se otroci učijo kognitivnih strategij za učenje vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. Zaključek: Videti je, da so na tem področju najbolj učinkoviti delovni terapevti, ki so sicer bolj kot v izboljšanje funkcije usmerjeni v izboljšanje dejavnosti in sodelovanja ter zmanjšanje potrebne pomoči za izvedbo aktivnosti. To je, glede na podatke iz člankov, tudi želja otrok in staršev v programih rehabilitacije.Background: Setting goals is an important step in planning a therapeutic program. In this respect, we were interested in the extent to which the setting of goals in the rehabilitation of children, in the fields of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, is actually evident from accessible literature. Methods: In Medline (Index Medicus) and Cochrane (Wiley) databases, we searched for articles that were published until 31st of December 2017. We used keywords: rehabilitation, child, goal setting, process; goal setting in rehabilitation of children / physiotherapy / occupational therapy / speech and language therapy / communication / feeding / dysphagia; goal attainment scaling. Results: In both data bases, Medline (Index Medicus) and Cochrane (Wiley), a total of 275 articles were found using a combination of above mentioned keywords. When reviewing those articles, there are only a few of them that describe the advantages of setting goals, how to set goals, and how to involve children and parents in the goal setting process. Most frequent were articles from the field of occupational therapy. The most systematic goal setting is involved in working with children with a developmental coordination disorder, where the choice of three goals is the first step in a CO-OP program. Conclusion: It seems that setting goals in most frequently found with occupational therapy programs; therapists are more focused on improving activities and participation than on function itself and reducing the assistance needed for activities of daily life. This is, according to the data from the articles, also the goal of children and parents in rehabilitation programs.
Deskriptorji     Goals
Proste vsebinske oznake     goals
strokovni sodelavci