Avtor/Urednik     Šifrer, Robert
Naslov     Razvoj kirurških metod rehabilitacije govora po laringektomiji
Prevedeni naslov     Development of surgical methods of speech rehabilitation after laryngectomy
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 17, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. 58-61
ISSN     1580-9315 - Rehabilitacija
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Povzetek: Povrnitev govora je glavni cilj rehabilitacije bolnikov po laringektomiji. K temu so stremeli že od prve laringektomije dalje. Glavno načelo rehabilitacije je preusmeritev izdihanega zraka iz zgornjih dihal v zgornja prebavila, kar sproži vibracije v tem predelu in posledično nastanek glasu. Prispevek se omejuje na razvoj kirurških metod rehabilitacije govora po laringektomiji. Po odstranitvi grla lahko bolnik uporablja le psevdo-šepet. S kirurškim oblikovanjem povezave med dihalnim in zgornjim prebavnim traktom ter z vstavitvijo različnih ventilov (protez) v povezavo pa mu lahko omogočimo glasen govor že kmalu po laringektomiji.Restitution of the ability to speak is the main goal of the rehabilitation process of patients after laryngectomy. This has been the aim of physicians since the first performance of laryngectomy. The main principle of the rehabilitation is redirection of the exhaled air from the upper airways into the upper alimentary tract what leads to vibrations in this location and consequently to the production of voice. The article is limited to the development of surgical methods of rehabilitation of speech after laryngectomy. The patient can use only pseudo-whisper after laryngectomy. The surgically created shunt between upper airways and upper alimentary tract and inserting various valves (prostheses) into the shunt enables the patient to speak loudly soon after laryngectomy.
Deskriptorji     Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders
Proste vsebinske oznake     speech
internal tracheo-pharyngeal prosthesis
tracheo-esophageal fistula
notranja traheo-faringealna proteza
traheo-ezofagealna fistula