Avtor/Urednik     Šink, Žiga; Umek, Nejc; Cvetko, Erika
Naslov     Cross-over type of supernumerary digastric muscle
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2018
Obseg     str. str.
ISSN     0015-5659 - Folia Morphologica
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     A cross-over type asymmetric anomaly of the anterior belly of the right digastric muscle was observed during a cadaveric dissection of the submental region. Three irregularly-shaped supernumerary muscle bundles were found between the anterior bellies of the digastric muscles. Although the anomalies of the digastric muscles are often observed, this complicated pattern has not been previously reported. Our findings and previous reports illustrate the morphogenetic complexity of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, and their potential importance in confounding clinical evaluation or complicating surgical procedures in the submental region.
Proste vsebinske oznake     anatomy
anatomical variation
anterior belly
anatomske variacije
sprednji trebuh