Avtor/Urednik     Klinkon, M; Jazbec, I
Naslov     Breed and age effects on total serum protein (TSP) and hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in dairy cows in Slovenia
Prevedeni naslov     Vpliv pasme in starosti na vsebnost celotnih serumskih beljakovin (CSB) in koncentracijo hemoglobina (Hb) pri molznicah v Sloveniji
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. in št.     Letnik 32, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1995
Obseg     str. 29-34
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     With Holstein-Friesian cattle we have established an average 75.10 +- 7.42 g/l TPS concentration, wich is significantly more than average TSP values with Simmental (70.29 +- 6.33 g/l) and Brownswiss (70.31 +- 5.93 g/l) animals. With Brownswiss we have established a mean 101.54 +- 13.38 g/l Hb concentration, which is significantly less than the mean Hb concentration with Holstein-Friesian (105.89 +- 11.11 g/l/) and Simmental (106.87 +- 13.31 g/l) cattle. The breed has statistically significantly affected TSP (P = 0.001) concentration and Hb concentration (P = 0,001). With cattle up to two years we have established the lowest TSP (67.60 +- 6.55 g.l/), which is significantly less resp. more than mean values obtained with other investigated age groups. The research has revealed that the age, with the exception of young animals, does not statistically significantly affect TSP concentration (P = 0.22) and Hb concentration (P = 0.057). With Scheffe's multiple range test and the probability rate 0.05 we have established statistically significant differences among mean TSP values and Hb concentration regarding breed and age of dairy cows. A positive correlation among TSP concentration and Hb concentration has been indicated (r = 0.0898; P = 0.001). The obtained values may represent the reference values in interpreting MPT results with cattle in Slovenia (4).
Deskriptorji     BLOOD PROTEINS