Avtor/Urednik     Nadrah, Kristina; Štrumbelj, Iztok; Beović, Bojana
Naslov     Ocena občutljivosti povzročiteljev nezapletenih okužb sečil za peroralne betalaktamske antibiotike z matematičnim modelom
Prevedeni naslov     Antimicrobial susceptibility estimation of uncomplicated urinary tract infection pathogens to oral beta-lactam antibiotics with a mathematical model
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 88, št. 9/10
Leto izdaje     2019
Obseg     str. 458-463
ISSN     1318-0347 - Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva : Slovenian medical journal
Jezik     slv
Abstrakt     Background: Uncomplicated urinary tract infections are among the most common infections in young healthy women. When treating such infections we use narrow-spectrum antibiotics with activity against the most common pathogens. The treatment of such infections is usually empirical, therefore in our study we estimated the susceptibility of the most common isolates to oral betalactam antibiotics to determine whether they are an acceptable alternative in case of contraindications to first-line agents. Methods: We used a theoretical distribution of the frequency of urinary tract pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibilities from clinical urinary cultures in women to calculate an estimate of overall susceptibility of the pathogens using a mathematical model. Results: The estimated susceptibility to ampicillin was low (50%), but much higher for cephalosporins of 1st to 3rd generation (88% - 90%). Conclusion: The mathematical model for susceptibility estimation represents an interesting tool for predicting clinical efficacy of antibiotics, based on local antibiotic susceptibility and frequency of pathogens. Our results show that among betalactam antibiotics, 1st generation cephalosporins are suitable for the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis.
Proste vsebinske oznake     okužbe sečil
urinary tract infections