Avtor/Urednik     Jurdana, Mihaela
Naslov     Physical activity and cancer risk. Actual knowledge and possible biological mechanisms
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 55, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2021
Obseg     str. 1-11
ISSN     1318-2099 - Radiology and oncology
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Scientific evidence has shown that an increase in regular physical activity is associated with a decrease in the development of many types of cancer. Potential mechanisms that link physical activity to reduced cancer risk include a decrease in systemic inflammation, hyperinsulinemia, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I), sex hormones, pro-inflammatory leptin and other obesity-related cytokines, and a significant increase in anti-inflammatory adiponectin levels. In addition, physical activity improves immune function and the composition and diversity of the gastrointestinal microbiota. Moderate physical activity is important for cancer protection, but the most significant changes in the inflammatory profile are conferred by physical activity performed at higher intensities. Thus, there is a need for further investigation into the type, intensity, and duration of physical activity for the prevention of some types of cancer and the development of effective recommendations.
Proste vsebinske oznake     telesna aktivnost
vnetni in protivnetni citokini
biološki mehanizmi